TSA Community Update – Spring Season Cancelled
TSA Family,
We want to thank all our families for their patience during this disrupted season. While the current stay-at-home order will expire April 30th, the Governor’s Executive Order this week makes clear that the remainder of the season must be canceled.
We are grateful to both our sponsors and our families for the commitment and support they continue to provide as part of our league. Since all sports were already underway when the stay-at-home orders were issued, the league had already incurred significant expenses in connection with the spring season (e.g., field preparation, uniforms, groundskeeping, etc.). However, after reviewing our financials we are prepared to provide our community with the option of either requesting a refund of 25% of their paid registration fees or donating their refund to TSA. If you choose to donate your refund no action is required, and any remaining funds will be re-invested in league expenses. Refund requests should be made to info@timbergrovesports.org by May 15th.
With the cancellation of our Spring Opening Day event, the league missed out on a significant fundraiser for the year. We have items that were previously donated for the event that we will offer to our families for purchase in an online auction to offset some of the lost income from the event. Be on the lookout for an email with details on how you can bid on these items. Any pre-ticket sale purchases for food and/or games tickets will be refunded.
Currently our summer camp programs remain as scheduled. TSA will continue to work with our partners as the dates approach should we need to make any changes.
We recognize and join you in feeling disappointment about the official elimination of sports on top of the acute disruption this pandemic has caused. Thank you all for your support and volunteerism this year. We look forward to the time when we can all get back together out at the fields. Until then, please stay safe.
Timbergrove Sports Association, Board of Directors