1. Shetland/6U softball/7U and below Soccer Division- For all kids eligible for the Shetland, 6U softball

    and 7U and below Soccer division, there will be no play ups allowed into the next highest division.

  2. Pinto/8U Softball/9U Soccer Division – For all kids eligible for the Pinto, 8U Softball and 9U Soccer division, and who are in their final year of that division, TSA will allow request to play up into the next highest division. For the request to be approved, the age appropriate Division Director, the next highest age Division Director, and the appropriate Director of Operations (Baseball, Softball, or Soccer) must unanimously agree and approve the request after consultation with any coaches the player has played for in previous years. Players must make the request no later than 2 weeks before registration opens.
  3. Mustang/10U softball/12U Soccer Division- For kids eligible for the Mustang, 10U Softball, and 12U soccer division, and who are in their final year of that division, TSA will allow request to play up into the next highest division. For the request to be approved, the age appropriate Division Director, the next highest age Division Director, and the appropriate Director of Operations (Baseball, Softball, or Soccer) must unanimously agree and approve the request after consultation with any coaches the player has played for in previous years. Players must make the request no later than 2 weeks before registration opens.
  4. Bronco/12U Softball/12U Soccer Division- For kids eligible for the Bronco, 12U Softball, and 12U Soccer division, and who are in their final year of that division, TSA will allow request to play up into the next highest division. For the request to be approved, the age appropriate Division Director, the next highest age Division Director, and the appropriate Director of Operations (Baseball, Softball, or Soccer) must unanimously agree and approve the request after consultation with any coaches the player has played for in previous years. Players must make the request no later than 2 weeks before registration opens.
  5. Effective Date- This policy takes effect as of June 26, 2017 and replaces all previously written, stated, or inferred policies regarding play-ups. Prior authorization to play up does not guarantee future approval. Players must seek approval for each new division in which they seek to play up. As an example, a player previously approved to play up from Pinto to Mustang must re-apply to play up from Mustang to Bronco, if desired. Approval to play up in the Fall season preceding the Spring season constitutes approval to play up in the Spring.
  6. Play Up Request Procedure- All play up requests MUST be timely sent to the following TSA email address to be considered: timbergrovesportsassoc@gmail.com. Emails sent directly to Division Directors, Directors of Baseball, Softball or Soccer, Board Members, coaches or other TSA email addresses will not be considered.

    Birthday Falsification Penalty

    TSA does not tolerate birthdate falsification. Parents will be required to show birth certificates, if requested. If the Board determines that the child’s birthdate has been falsified, then that child will not be allowed to play for that entire season and no refund shall issue.

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